About Us

Learn More About Us

TechniCa Innovations Private Limited company was started in 2021 by a group of professional having the team spirt to achieve its goals. The company made its first acquisition in 2020 by integrating Artificial intelligence, Medical Engineering and software testing, but later it was incorporated in Registrar of Companies, Bengaluru. The company incorporation was very successful by undergoing its own project oriented with software, hardware, software testing, and solution providers in field of electronic and electrical surfaces.

Facts About Us

TechniCa Innovations Private Limited provides end to end global product engineering services in the in Electronics , Electricals , Mechanical, Software , Hardware , components , Research & Development and all the activities pertaining to information technology, Artificial Intelligence , Robotic Technology. The company has operations in the states of Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu including United States of America and South East countries.

Founders Message

TechniCa will be one of India’s best IT garage start-ups, founded by an enthusiastic women and highly talented professionals in 2022 but was developed by the hard work from 2020 and is proud of its views, goals which will have a role at almost every inflection point in the IT, Artificial intelligence, Electronic and Electrical sector and is assured of reaching greater heights as it moves into the future. We aim at providing high quality products by facilitation of knowledge, skill and attitude development of our talented team fellows which is imperative for success.

Our Vision

To become the leader of technology providers in India and abroad. We want to empower and fulfill our clients expectations through our innovative thoughts and technology.

Our Mission

There's this notion that to grow a business, you have to be ruthless. But we know there's a better way to grow. One where what's good for the bottom line is also good for customers. We believe businesses can grow with a conscience, and succeed with a soul and that's why we at TechniCa has created an ecosystem uniting software, education, and community to help businesses grow better every day.


One of the most valuable things we the TechniCani’nas learned from the company we dealt are behavioural science theories that shape and impact of organizations. Most companies fail not because of a poor product but of a poor company culture. When an organization's culture and leadership are not embodied from top to bottom, goals and people become misaligned.

Our TechniCa have a tremendous ability to bring change and uplift lives, it may be time to revisit how our company views its bottom line. .



Hours Of Support



Our Proffesional Chefs

Mrs Jiji P Abraham

B.E , M’Tech

CEO , TechniCa Innovations Pvt Ltd

Adv Joseph Jojy


Legal Advisor, Technica Innovations Pvt Ltd

Mr Mahesha B

Director, Technica Innovations Pvt Ltd
